ESG Risks

We are obliged to provide our clients with certain information on sustainability issues in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (Disclosure Regulation). This is a translation of the german original text. Only the german version is legally authorative.

How Goldmarie Finance incorporates sustainability risks into investment decisions (Articles 3 and 6 of the Disclosure Regulation)

The EU Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088 describes sustainability risks as environmental, social or governance events or conditions whose occurrence could have an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of an investment. Such sustainability risks cannot always be predicted. For example, it is not possible to predict comprehensively how climate change will affect the global economy. Therefore, sustainability risks on the value of the investment cannot be ruled out. However, Goldmarie Finanzen applies strict and consistent environmental and social criteria to its investment strategies, defining model portfolios that avoid damage to the environment and society and are intended to make a positive contribution to achieving ecological goals. The sustainable orientation is intended to minimise sustainability risks and can have a positive impact on the value of the investment in the long term.

Statement on the main adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (Article 4 of the Disclosure Regulation)

The adverse impact on sustainability factors at the corporate level (PAI) is used in Goldmarie Finance's investments in particular to ensure that the investments do not cause significant damage to sustainability goals. For all stocks within the Goldmarie investment universe, the PAIs are collected and taken into account throughout the investment process. This data is retrieved and updated once a quarter by the sustainability agency imug rating GmbH. Imug rating GmbH obtains this data directly from the companies themselves, from public sources or conducts its own investigations. The objective of Goldmarie's investment strategies is to keep the PAI ratios at portfolio level as low as possible. For this purpose, thresholds are defined and PAIs thus act as exclusion criteria to exclude companies from the Goldmarie investment universe.

Examples of such PAI indicators are:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Consumption and production of non-renewable energy
  • Deterioration of ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Generation of hazardous waste
  • Unfair distribution of wages depending on gender

The Goldmarie Essential and Impact investment strategies were launched in 06/2023. On a quarterly basis, detailed information is published here on the Goldmarie homepage and in the regular reports pursuant to Article 11(2) of the Disclosure Regulation (EU 2019/2088) on how the investment under the Goldmarie Essential and Impact investment strategies affects the main adverse impacts on sustainability factors.

How Goldmarie's remuneration policy fits in with the integration of sustainability risks into investment decisions (Article 5 of the Disclosure Regulation)

Goldmarie Finance's internal organizational guidelines also include sustainability risks in investment decisions. Our employees are selected and evaluated according to the consideration and minimization of these sustainability risks. The remuneration policy of Goldmarie Finanzen's employees does not include any return-based variable components and thus does not create any incentives to take sustainability risks.